In the past Wick's we have talked about some of the physical and mental areas of sport and in lawn bowling specifically. The CLBC coaching department has been working on ways that would be helpful to our members around increasing accuracy, consistency, focus, preparing for a game, setting practice goals, and a few more areas of the game. What we want to do is help our members to have more good games and fewer frustrating games.
Booking time with a coach does not mean you need to change your style, but it is about maximizing the skills you already have and polishing any skills that might be causing you some trouble. It is about player development. I often wonder what, if anything, players do when their game falls apart. We all experience the occasional delivery where we miss the line, or our weight is off. We don't often understand this phenomenon that magically pops up and sends our bowls everywhere except where we want them to go. We often tend to blame the green, but in truth, we are usually the cause of our problems. So, we can live with the occasional bowl going astray, but what do we do if the problem continues? Pre-shot Routine
A pre-shot routine is a set series of actions made by an athlete before delivering their bowl. All bowlers have a pre-shot routine, and some routines are more effective than others. It is fair to say that everybody does something before delivering their bowl, perhaps out of habit rather than in a planned pre-shot routine. |
CLBC CoachesThe club coaches will share some ideas and thoughts on lawn bowling by offering suggestions that may increase your enjoyment while playing on the green. The ideas and suggestions presented in the Wick are based on credible material from worldwide bowling associations and coaching programs. Let the coaches know what you think of the tips provided. Be sure to click the read more link to read the whole tip.
August 2021
Courtenay Lawn Bowling Club
Bill Moore Park, 2361 Kilpatrick Avenue Courtenay, BC, V9N 8N1 Phone: (250) 338-8222 Email: [email protected] |
Postal Address
Courtenay Lawn Bowling Club PO BOX 3669 Courtenay, BC V9N 7P1 |